What do you get?

We provide taxi insurance for road trains and waterborne vehicles at seaside locations, rivers and docks. Inclusive of public liability insurance that can be dovetailed with marine indemnities to provide cover whilst both on and off-road.

There is a seasonal element to the cover so we can provide laid-up cover and seasonal short term liability risks for both public and employees. We could also include road trains as part of an estate wide risk or as part of a fleet.

Given the nature of these passenger-carrying vehicles there will also be an element of modification and specially adapted vehicles and unique requirements that require an underwriter to speak with you. Rest assured, we’ve covered a large number of road trains and other vehicles including aqua-ducks – so there isn’t much we haven’t seen and insured in our time! 

  • Short term liability risks available
  • Can be included as part of a fleet
  • Public Liability cover / off-road
  • Specialist dovetailing between marine indemnities and our RTA risks.
  • Bonus Booster available. Offers those with no bonus a six month policy to accrue a year’s no claims bonus and subsequently use this with us on a full term policy.

Tradex can offer specialist Taxi Insurance for the unique vehicle requirements of Road Trains and Amphibious Vehicles

Road Trains

A road train, land train or long combination vehicle is a trucking vehicle consisting of two or more trailers or semi-trailers hauled by a prime mover.

Tradex can provide specialist vehicle insurance for road trains as part of an estate wide risk or as part of a fleet.

Amphibious Vehicles

An amphibious vehicle, such as an aquaduck, is a specially modified or adapted vehicle that can be used on land as well as on water.

Tradex can provide specialist insurance, whilst both on and off-road, by dovetailing road risk insurance, marine indemnities and public liability insurance.

We understand that there may be a seasonal element to the cover so we can provide laid-up cover and seasonal short term liability risks for both the public and employees.