Creating FAQS For Your Website

Creating FAQS For Your Website

In the first part of this blog we looked at what motor traders might include in their website to get the maximum engagement with potential customers. One page that is often added on at the last minute with little thought is the frequently asked questions (FAQs). Far from being a page where you add bits that do not fit elsewhere, this is a vital place to communicate to your audience as well as driving searches to your site.

Every website, no matter the size of the company or the type of motor trade, benefits from anticipating important questions, especially now that face to face meetings are becoming less frequent. If you have a strong FAQ webpage, you can answer visitor’s specific enquiries related directly to the products you are selling. 

If you have a dealership, an FAQ page could provide the space to talk about finance, part exchange or motor trade insurance options. The more helpful you can be, the more likely a customer will take a sale further.

Here are some tips for getting the most out of your FAQs from where to get your ideas to what to put on your page.

What to Include

When faced with a blank page, thinking about what to include can seem overwhelming. There are two main ways to get an understanding of what your FAQs should include. Firstly, research competitor websites to see what they are doing then jot down some ideas and personalise your own answers. You will soon get to see which questions are more commonly asked.

Secondly, don’t forget to talk to employees in your sales or marketing department. They will be chatting to potential clients all day and will have a depth of knowledge of the most frequently asked questions. Talking with customers or getting feedback can be vital in pinpointing just what advice people are seeking.

Making it Personal

Many companies treat the FAQs like their terms and conditions page – and that can be dull. Try to make your answers as natural and flowing as possible – a bit like you were having a conversation in person.

Phrase the questions from the customers’ perspective so they can identify with them and answer with ‘we’ rather than I to show it’s the company’s advice, not yours personally.  Keep your language simple and direct, over-complicating sentences can be off-putting to potential customers. Think about fonts, colours, spacing and drop-down lists to avoid large swathes of text.

Be Clear on How Customers Can Get in Touch

You have taken the trouble to write an amazing and comprehensive set of questions and answers, your customer is engaged but then they have no clear way of contacting you. Remember to always include at least one call-to-action button on your FAQ page – it could be where you include special offers or simply invite them to find out more.

Adding hyperlinks within your answers to relevant pages on your website can also provide customers with more in-depth information.

Gaining Credibility Through Testimonials

Customer testimonials are a powerful selling tool. Run some along the bottom of your FAQ page to reassure potential customers about the trustworthiness of your business. Another way of gaining the confidence of your audience is to add some statistics, maybe some sales figures or results from a customer satisfaction survey, anything to give your additional validity.

Make Your FAQs Visible

There is a tendency for web designers to hide the FAQs so they get overlooked. Make sure they are somewhere easily discoverable, maybe a page that is near to sale prices, so it can answer any last-minute queries.

At Tradex we specialise in motor trade insurance. If you need any help and advice on getting your business covered, please call us on 0333 313 1111.

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